How To Install Mac Os 9 In Os X Using Sheepshaver Youtube In this video, i show you how to use the sheepshaver emulator to install classic mac os 8 or mac os 9 on your modern macos computer. unlike other sheepshaver based systems, it makes it relatively easy to exchange files between sheepshaver and windows, and makes it easy to print from mac os applications to windows printers, or to create pdf files on the windows desktop. This page provides a fully functional sheepshaver system that runs mac os 9.0.4 (us english version).

if you want to install 9.0.4, best use the new world rom. With the old world rom file sheepshaver can run system 7.5.3 through mac os 9.0.4, with the new world rom file sheepshaver can run mac os 8.5 through 9.0.4. rename the rom to mac os rom (letters, capitals, and spaces are case sensitive! rename to the rom name above, and make sure you get rid of the extension. extract all the files and put them in the sheepshaver folder, also download the gtk runtime as well. In this video, i show you how to use the sheepshaver emulator to install classic mac os 8 or mac os 9 on your modern windows computer.